Jesus gives a timeless principle in Luke 12:48, “For unto whosoever much is given, of him shall much be required.” We find this principle at work in the history of the nation Israel. In Isaiah 5, God laments over His people as He rehearses His tender care over His vineyard (Israel.) God chose the best location, cultivated the land, planted it with the choicest vine, protected it, and prepared a winepress in expectation of a good harvest. Instead of the harvest He expected (obedience, thanksgiving, love, worship, service), He found foul-smelling wild grapes (disobedience, rebellion, idolatry).
God then announces the punishment that would come upon the nation. He will take away their hedge of protection. The country will be invaded and laid waste. All of this looks forward to the oncoming captivity.
God’s expectations were based upon the privileges He had granted His people. He had done all that was necessary to prepare Israel to bring forth fruit. Yet Israel refused to take advantage of these blessings and instead rejected the Giver while enjoying the gifts.
The principle laid down by Jesus is still valid for God’s people today. Truly God has wonderfully blest us. We have all that we need to bring forth a tremendous harvest of fruit in our lives. When God evaluates our fruit what will be His response? Will it be one of lament as with Israel, or will it be found unto the praise of His glory?